Results are now on the Midnight Man page.
Sorry for the delay but I was held up on site. The lighting company did not pick up their lighting towers till this morning so I had to stay on site to look after them.
Having slept in a small caravan for 5 nights I have had it.
We all hope you enjoyed the event. My heart goes out to everyone that had multiple punchers. We tried to help as many people that we could.
Also to the competitors that misted the start due to problems on the M25. We delayed the start 15 minutes and kept registration open till 6pm. We could not wait any longer as the road had to be reopened at 4.30pm.
On a positive note the Midnight Man will happen again in 2014. I will have a meeting with Kent Highways and the police if they are happy we will do it all over again.
We will be making a few changes to the race next year to improve the event. If you have any suggestions please let us know.
If anyone can help next year even if it’s for just a few hours please let us know.
Last of all thank you all for your kind e-mail and I will pass on all your thanks to all the Marshal’s. Some stayed all night and did not go till after the last competitor crossed the line. They are all volunteers and without them the race would not happen.
Thank you all once again for taking part.